Krásné, estetické webovky, nabídka úžasných originálních parfémů. V případě dotazů rychlé odpovědi od milých slečen (v případě mého dotazu mi slečna volala, poslala sms i odpověď na email), takže za mě top! Doručení rychlé skrz kurýra, vzorek parfému přišel nepoškozen. Luminia jsou také jediné webovky, kde jsem našla tento konkrétní vzorek vůně. Za mě 10/10.
The candle is really beautiful. Luxurious-looking packaging, which I keep for decorative purposes after finishing the candle, and the scent is amazing. I will try perfume from it as well.
I recommend candles as well as perfumes to everyone who wishes to give people something special. They are distinctive, high-end, lovable.. Beautifully packaged with 100% customer service. I will definitely buy again.
LUMINIA perfumes are a unique piece of art. They offer the perfect experience from every drop thanks to up to 30% of fragrant oils. Thanks to the high concentration of essential oils, they combine perfectly with each other and merge into an absolutely unique personal perfume, which you will create for falling in love.