We respect your privacy and we appreciate our relationship. We process your personal data according to the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) (EU) 2016/697 from April 27, 2016 on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data, and repealing Directive 95/46//EC (Data Protection Directive) (“Regulation”), and according to the Act no. 18/2018 on personal data protection, modification and amending prior Acts (“Data Protection Act”).

Herewith we would like to inform you as to how we look after your personal data and tell you about your privacy rights according to the Regulation and the Data Protection Act.


1___ Controller

2___ How is your personal data collected

3___ Lawful basis and the purpose of processing

4___ Disclosure of personal data

5___ Customer as the data subject and his or her rights

1. Controller

Our full details are: LUMINIA s. r. o., Jasovská 1, Bratislava – Petržalka 851 07, Slovak Republic, Identification number: 47230568, registered in the Trade Register of the Bratislava I District Court, Section: Sro, Excerpt No. 90342/B („Company“ or „us“) is the entity that alone or in cooperation with other entities determines the purposes, conditions and means of the processing of personal data of the customers as the data subjects.

2. Obtaining personal data
We obtain your personal data as follows:
2.1. directly from you when you submit your order;
2.2. directly from you during marketing campaigns and on marketing events.
3. Lawful basis and the purpose of personal data processing
We process your personal data based on following lawful basis defined by the Regulation and by the Data Protection Act:
3.1 Legitimate interest
Our business can process your personal data necessary for conducting legitimate business interest of the company or third parties, unless the interests are overridden by the impact on you or your fundamental rights and freedoms requiring personal data protection, particularly in case the data subject is a child.  The legitimate interests of our company are as follows:
3.1.1. Marketing activities of the company – meaning mainly providing information about products, news, special offers and other marketing events; satisfaction surveys can be as well part of the communication activities; marketing communication is distributed occasionally, normally several times per year, approximately once per month; for this purpose, the company retains personal data during the seller-customer relationship duration between the company and the data subject.
Regarding the marketing activities it is your right to object to processing of your personal data in a way defined in chapter 5 – Rights of the customer as the data subject.  
3.1.2. Recovery of debts and other claims of the company; the company retains personal data maximum for the duration of respective periods of limitation;
3.1.3. Fraud prevention in case the company has a reason to believe in risk of fraud; for this purpose, the company retents the personal data in period of five years from expiration of the contract;
3.2 Contract fulfilment
The company is processing personal data of the data subjects in order to fulfil terms of contract of both contracting parties, particularly to create an order, to change an order, to accept an order, to cancel an order, to create payment instruction and to pair the payment, to invoice etc. Providing of personal data necessary for delivering the order is required. The company retains personal data necessary for contract fulfilment within the contract duration between the company and the data subject. Personal data necessary for contract conclusion are marked in the order form. 
3.3 Legal duty fulfilment
The company may process personal data and may disclose personal data to state institutions and other persons as a result of legal duty. The company may disclose personal data to Slovak Trade Inspection as a result of legal duty.
4. Personal data recipients
Our company may have to authorize third parties to process personal data, these third parties are considered processors. Processors for our company are for instance companies authorized to perform marketing activities, persons running our web site, online store and invoicing system. Processors process personal data exclusively based on the personal data processing contract that fulfils requirements of the Regulations and of the Data Protection Act. Our company requires strictly protection of the personal data disclosed. 
Other personal data recipients include banks or payment institutions, for instance.
5. Rights of the customer as the data subject
In accordance with the Regulation and with the Data Protection Act you have the right to:
5.1 require from us:
5.1.1 confirmation whether your data are or are not processed; provided the personal data were not obtained directly from you, you are entitled to require any information available about the source of such data („right to access the personal data“);
5.1.2 provided your data is processed, to obtain an access to personal data and further information as well as obtain a copy of personal data processed by the company („right to be informed about processing of personal data“); the company is entitled to charge an adequate administration fee for providing a copy of your personal data;
5.1.3 correction of inaccurate/ incomplete personal data processed by the company („right to rectification“);
5.1.4 erasure of personal data provided one of the reasons defined by the Regulation or by the Data Protection Act is fulfilled; foremost in case it is not necessary to process the personal data any more for the purpose the data has been obtained for, or in case you withdraw your consent and there is no further lawful basis for processing of personal data, in case you object to personal data processing, or in case the company obtained the data in an illegal manner („right to be forgotten“);
5.1.5 restriction of personal data processing  provided one of the reasons defined by the Regulation or by the Data Protection Act is fulfilled; for instance if the personal data processed by the company is incorrect, you can restrict the  processing of personal data until it has been corrected („right to restriction of processing“);
5.1.6 acquire your personal data you have provided to the company in a structured, usually used and machine-readable manner; you have as well the right to transfer these personal data to another controller, in case it is technically possible and the conditions of the Regulation and the Data Protection Act are fulfilled („right to data portability“);
5.2 object, on grounds relating to your particular situation, to processing of personal data concerning you and that are necessary for the purposes of legitimate interest of the company or of a third party involved, unless such interests are overridden by your interests or fundamental rights and freedoms requiring processing or personal data, including objecting to profiling; object, on grounds relating to your particular situation, to processing of personal data concerning you and that are necessary for the performance of a task carried out for reasons of public interest, including objecting to profiling; object to processing of personal data for the direct marketing purpose without your consent, including your consent to profiling within the scope related to direct marketing („right to object“);
5.3 object to the company decision based solely on automated processing, including profiling which produces legal effects concerning you or influencing you in a similar matter, unless the Regulations and the Data Protection Act defines differently („automatized deciding including profiling“);
5.4 withdraw your consent to processing of personal data provided to the company at any time with an immediate affection on the moment of the consent withdrawal („right to withdraw consent“);
5.5 in case you suspect your personal data are not being processed in an authorized manner you may initiate personal data protection procedures on the Personal Data Protection Authority of the Slovak Republic, Hraničná 4826/12, 820 07 Bratislava, Slovak Republic, phone number: + 421 2 3231 3220,

In case the data subject does not have the full competency to perform legal acts his or her rights concerned in the Regulation and in the Data Protection Act may be conducted by the legal representative. Rights of the data subject according to the Regulation and according to the Data Protection Act which is not alive may be conducted by the close contact.

Data subject may enforce his or her rights as follows:

With regard to possible risk of abuse and in order to provide personal data protection of data subjects herewith we define communication means to be used for accepting and dealing with requests regarding personal data we process. In case your identity cannot be clearly verified we will invite you to complete your identity verification.

Right to access and right to be informed about processing:

  •  via mail (signature of the data subject must be officially verified) addressed to the company seat;
  •  via e-mail sent to the following e-mail address:;
  •  via phone on the following phone number: +421 911 211 226.
Right to rectification, right to erase, right to restrict, right to portability, right to object automated decision making including profiling and right to withdraw a consent:
  • via mail (signature of the data subject must be officially verified) addressed to the company seat;
  • via e-mail sent to the following e-mail address:;
  • via phone on the following phone number: +421 911 211 226.

Automated deciding including profiling

At the time we do not conduct automated deciding, including profiling, concerning personal data of data subjects which would produce legal effects or would influence him or her in a significant matter.

Information about the cookies technology

Our company, LUMINIA s. r. o., Jasovská 1, Bratislava – Petržalka 851 07, Slovak Republic, Identification Number: 47230568, registered in the Trade Register of the Bratislava I District Court, Section: Sro, Excerpt No. 90342/B („company“ or „us“) is using on its web site „cookies“.

Cookies are small files saved on the web browser of your device (computer, smartphone or other devices). We use cookies for optimizing functionalities of your web site, for example for saving the content of your shopping cart. Using cookies is nowadays a standard procedure on most of the web sites.

In accordance with § 55 art. 5 of the Act no. 351/2011 on electronic communications web browser settings allowing cookies is considered a consent with using cookies. Such a consent is valid in case the user is offered clear and full information on the purpose of using cookies.

In case you do not wish we use cookies, set the web browse settings in respective manner. Your web browser allows you to ensure erasure of cookies of restriction of cookies.